Neumorphic Modern Blocks

Preview of a PowerPoint slide featuring Neumorphic Modern Blocks design with shadow effect and numbered steps.

File types:

Google Slides, PPTX


4:3, 16:9

File types:

Google Slides, PPTX


4:3, 16:9

The Neumorphic Modern Blocks template brings a refined and elegant look to presentations with its subtle 3D style blocks arranged in an alternating sequence. This layout allows speakers to walk audiences through key points, statistics, features, or steps in an engaging flow.

Present Ideas With a Sophisticated Yet Simple Style

Inspired by neumorphism, a trending design style focused on soft shadows and lighting contrasts, this template combines rounded shapes with an elevated “flat” aesthetic. The four editorial blocks have ample space for icons, numbers, titles, and descriptive paragraphs to communicate ideas clearly. Their positioning creates a sense of visual rhythm while the neutral background keeps focus on crucial content.

Beyond the initial sample, the blocks can be customized with icons from Microsoft’s library to represent company initiatives, workflow steps, product capabilities, customer benefits, or more depending on communication goals. Their simple yet distinctive form and spacing establishes structure for audiences to follow. The numbers guiding block sequence can also be altered as needed.

For leaders, marketers, or anyone communicating complex concepts, this template brings order and enhances comprehension. By organizing related points within contained blocks, it prevents content overload. The neumorphic style also injects subtle sophistication to reinforce professionalism when used in client presentations, board meetings, conferences and more. Simply add brand imagery and editable placeholders drive home core messages in a contemporary way.

In summary, the Neumorphic Modern Blocks template for PowerPoint and Google Slides employs on-trend aesthetics to showcase critical ideas in an orderly fashion. Its flexibility enables customization for many contexts where communicating clearly and engagingly matters. This innovative design ensures presentations make an impact.

Widescreen (16:9) size preview:

This ‘Neumorphic Modern Blocks’ template features:

  • 2 unique slides
  • Options for both light and dark themes
  • Pre-populated with icons and text placeholders
  • Fully customizable shapes for complete control
  • Available in both Standard (4:3) and Widescreen (16:9) ratios
  • Offered in both PowerPoint PPTX and Google Slides formats

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