Google Slides, PPTX
4:3, 16:9
Explore our extensive collection of 283 Text & Tables templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides.
Text & Tables templates efficiently showcase text, information, and data in your presentations. This category features a wide range of design elements such as 3D text, budget & quotation, bullet points, clipboards & notes, comparisons, table of contents, numbered lists, paper & banners, pricing tables, quotes, speaking bubbles, tables, text boxes, to-do & checklists, and word clouds. These designs make your content visually appealing and engaging, capturing your audience’s attention.
Whether presenting financial data, project updates, product comparisons, or personal achievements, our Text & Tables templates offer the ideal foundation for delivering your message effectively.
Google Slides, PPTX
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Google Slides, PPTX
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Google Slides, PPTX
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Google Slides, PPTX
4:3, 16:9
Google Slides, PPTX
4:3, 16:9
Google Slides, PPTX
4:3, 16:9
Google Slides, PPTX
4:3, 16:9
Google Slides, PPTX
4:3, 16:9
Google Slides, PPTX
4:3, 16:9
Google Slides, PPTX
4:3, 16:9
Google Slides, PPTX
4:3, 16:9
Google Slides, PPTX
4:3, 16:9