Sage Coral Cacti Template

Preview of Sage Coral Cacti PowerPoint Template featuring the cover slide and standard layout of 6 slides.


Cream, Green

File types:

Google Slides, POTX



File types:

Google Slides, POTX



The Sage Coral Cacti Template offers a playful and organic design that brings a fresh, contemporary look to your presentations. With its stylized illustrations and warm color palette, this template is perfect for creating engaging presentations in PowerPoint and Google Slides.

Minimalist Cacti Illustrations for Creative Storytelling

The template features desert plants, including cacti and succulents, in various shapes and sizes. They are set against a pale background. The illustrations share a minimalist and flat design style. Simple shapes and muted colors evoke the serenity of a desert landscape at dawn or dusk. The soft desert greens, terracotta oranges, and muted tans create a warm and natural palette. Moreover, they complement the friendly and approachable atmosphere of the template.

This template suits a wide range of presentations, from creative projects to educational talks and personal stories. For example, it’s particularly well-suited for designers, artists, educators, and storytellers who want to add whimsy and charm. Users can easily customize the template by adding their own text, images, and branding elements. This creates a unique and personalized presentation that resonates with their audience.

The Sage Coral Cacti Template includes six slides, plus an additional slide showcasing the color palette. As a matter of fact, the Slide Master design makes it easy to edit and maintain consistency throughout the presentation. Furthermore, it includes text and picture placeholders for added convenience. The template is available in widescreen format and is compatible with both PowerPoint and Google Slides.

In conclusion, the Sage Coral Cacti Template is a versatile and visually appealing choice for anyone looking to create engaging presentations. Its playful illustrations, warm color palette, and user-friendly design captivate your audience and elevate your presentation game.

Preview of the template:

This template offers:

  • 6 slides, plus a color palette slide.
  • Easy editing with Slide Master.
  • Text and picture placeholders included.
  • Widescreen format.
  • For PowerPoint and Google Slides.

Free font used:

  • Calibri, Calibri Light

Terms of use:

Requires attribution

Personal and educational use

Commercial use

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