Preview of Sage Coral Cacti PowerPoint Template featuring the cover slide and standard layout of 6 slides.
Sage Coral Cacti Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides: A playful, organic presentation theme with stylized desert plant illustrations.

Google Slides, POTX


Preview of the Hibiscus & Muse Faces Template featuring the cover slide and standard layout for PowerPoint presentations.
Download the Hibiscus & Muse Faces Template, an artistic PowerPoint & Google Slides design featuring bold illustrations of women and flowers.

Google Slides, POTX


Preview of Midnight Goldleaf PowerPoint Template showcasing six slide layouts with a focus on the cover slide.
The Midnight Goldleaf template brings art deco elegance to presentations with dimensional metallic florals contrasted against deep, dark backgrounds for refined aesthetics.

Google Slides, POTX
